The average day of a trade service business owner is far from a walk in the park. The list can range from:

We Are Here To Help

by Marcel Donnelly on Apr 2, 2020 2:10:28 PM

As the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues its spread across the globe, drawing attention from all media outlets,...

As all tradies adjust their business to the current COVID-19 situation, you must take into consideration what your customers...

Overnight, the Australian Federal Government has announced their 3rd stimulus package equalling approximately $130 billion.

"in the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity."

Quoting work for new customers is an expensive process. For many plumbing, electrical and HVAC businesses, quoting work for...

As COVID-19 restrictions continue to affect Australian businesses, it’s more important than ever to consider business...

FlatRateNOW COVID-19 Message

by Marcel Donnelly on Mar 19, 2020 2:26:09 PM

As the global COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation continues to rapidly evolve, we would like to address our position at...

As Coronavirus (COVID-19) dominates discussions, it is important to cut through all the noise and focus on what steps we can...

First it was the Australian bushfire season, now it’s a global pandemic. Australian’s are tough and we will get through this...