Customer Service Tip #2 - Pre-Call Preparation

Posted by Marcel Donnelly on Jun 8, 2021 10:00:00 AM

Tip 2 blog image


Being prepared is generally a good thing and can help all areas of life. When it comes to customer service, you can achieve many quick wins simply by thinking ahead and setting up the correct processes before a word is even spoken to a customer.

Pre-Call Preparation achieves positive results in customer service. Encourage the customer service team to maintain a clear and organised work area. 

Here’s how you set your team up for success: 

  • Have the correct tools ready to streamline calls.
  • Have the Booking Platform open and ready.
  • Have the Truck locator screen available (If available).
  • Have the Trade Wikki (if available)
  • Have a notepad handy to provide any additional information that can help your team when they show up.

To summarise, Pre-Call Preparation can help put your team on the front foot and instill confidence in your team to deliver when it comes to landing a customer.  

If you missed yesterday’s tip, click here to read!

Topics: Electricians, Tradespeople, Plumbers, Trade Business, Education, Business Improvement, Personal Development